Case Results

Troy and Schwartz, LLC Recovering Millions For Our Clients
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A judge 's gavel is sitting on top of an open book.

Our Case Results

A black and white drawing of a target with an arrow in it.

3 Million Dollar Settlement

 in Slip and Fall Prenatal Case

A $3,500,000 settlement against a major supermarket chain for a slip and fall incident. A pregnant woman slipped over spillage on the supermarket floor and fell, resulting in the death of her infant.

A black and white drawing of a target with an arrow in it.

Settlement Covers All Medical Expenses

for Man in Car Crash

Our client was injured when the car he was driving was rear-ended by another vehicle. He was able to use part of the $500,000 we obtained on his behalf to cover all medical costs.

A black and white drawing of a target with an arrow in it.

Obtain Multi-Million Dollar Recovery

Single Mom and Newborn with Brain Injury

$3,250,000 won against a major hospital, obstetrician, and gynecologist because of their failure to properly care for a patient and her baby while she was pregnant.

A black and white drawing of a target with an arrow in it.

Woman Obtains Policy Limit

After Car Accident

$300,000 for a young woman injured when another car made an improper turn into her vehicle. The Florida Highway Patrol had cited the other driver for careless driving.

A black and white drawing of a target with an arrow in it.

Recovery Issued in Nursing Home and Rehabilitation Center Malpractice Suit

$625,000 obtained for the Estate of a 90-year-old male who had to have his right leg amputated above the knee because of serious bed sores that appeared on his right foot while he was staying at a nursing home and rehabilitation center.

A black and white drawing of a target with an arrow in it.

Children of 80-year-old Woman File for Nursing Home Negligence

A $300,000 settlement against a nursing home where attendants failed to turn an elderly woman in her bed, causing her to incur sores on her left heel and buttocks.

A black and white drawing of a target with an arrow in it.

Ophthalmologist Patient Wins Medical Malpractice Suit

A $400,000 settlement for a crane operator who lost 80% of his right eye’s field of vision after an ophthalmologist failed to test his eyes for pressure, which would have disclosed a threatening glaucoma condition.

A black and white drawing of a target with an arrow in it.

Wrongful Death of Autistic Teenager at Care Facility

$500,000 recovered for the family of an autistic teenager who died when a care facility lost track of him and failed to administer his medication.

A black and white drawing of a target with an arrow in it.

Homeowner Ruled Liable for Dog Attack

$100,000 settlement against the owner of a dog that attacked a young man, causing him to lose control of his lawnmower and disfigure his foot.

A black and white drawing of a target with an arrow in it.

Motel Visitor Wins Resolution Against Big-Time Motel Owner for Slip and Fall Accident

A $225,000 settlement for a marketing executive who needed several operations after falling in a widely advertised motel complex in South Carolina.

A black and white drawing of a target with an arrow in it.

Man Beaten Due to Inadequate Security at Shopping Mall

$200,000 settlement for a business executive who was beaten by youths in a shopping mall while a store clerk looked on and did nothing. He sustained brain damage.

A black and white drawing of a target with an arrow in it.

Girl Receives Settlement After Dog Attack

$70,000 settlement for a 10-year-old girl whose face was scarred after a dog attack.

A black and white drawing of a target with an arrow in it.

Settlement for Cruise Ship Accident

$75,000 settlement for a 90-year-old female who fell while taking a vacation on a cruise ship headed to Acapulco due to negligent maintenance.

A black and white drawing of a target with an arrow in it.

Multimillion Settlement in Maritime Accident

$2,400,000 settlement for a dock worker in the Turks and Caicos Islands who lost his leg after being struck by the boom of a large crane operated by a negligent employee.

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